instaGetPhone - program for collecting phone numbers and emails from the pages of Instagram users.
Unfortunately, Instagram has limited the work of our InstaGetPhone program, accounts that are used in the program can be blocked, proxies can be marked as spam. It is recommended to use our new program InstaGetPhone PRO.
Attention! This program is not designed to detect phones and emails to which an Instagram account is registered.
Update 12.08.2021 Download instaGetPhone v.1.4.6 (12,4 Mb)

Program features:
- collection of phone numbers / emails from the full name and description (biography) of the account
- collection of phone numbers / emails from business account contacts
- processing speed of one work account ~50 accounts per minute, when parsing by Username or ID. It is possible to change the speed by changing the "Pause between requests" parameter in the program settings.
- Important! The parsing limit for one account is 500 accounts per day (as of 05/07/2021, subject to change). After exceeding the limit, Instagram may ask to confirm the account by SMS or mail, it may ask to go through the captcha, and it may also block the account temporarily or permanently.
- multithreading! For multithreading, you need to add several Instagram accounts to the program settings.
- Important! When using more than one account, the use of individual proxies is required! Recommended proxies.
- Recommendation. Proxies must be from the same country from which the work accounts were registered, then the chance that at the first authorization Instagram will ask to confirm the account will be less.
- collecting multiple numbers / addresses from one account
- Three interface languages: Russian, English, Portuguese. Do you want another? - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Automatically verify your account by email or enter the code manually
- the program processes the lists of accounts in any of the formats:
- username
- id
- username: id
- id: username
- @username
Demo version:
- You can try the program by asking me for a temporary key.
In the plans:
- parsing subscribers and subscriptions
- convenient import and export of accounts into the program
- ... i accept wishes on the program on mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Changes in version v.1.4.6 (12.08.2021)
- The input parameters for parsing information from the account have been expanded. Now it is possible to collect phone and mail numbers only from selected fields. You can also convert from ID to Username and vice versa without collecting numbers and mails.
- A convenient import with a variety of account formats has been added to the program settings. Instagram is constantly working on protection, technical accounts have become consumables.
- username:password:mail:mailpassword (withot proxy)
- username:password:proxyserver:port:proxyuser:proxypass (without mail)
- username:password:proxyserver:port:proxyuser:proxypass:mail:mailpassword
- username:password:mail:mailpassword:proxyserver:port:proxyuser:proxypass
- username:password:proxyserver:port:proxyuser:proxypass:mail:mailpassword:mailserver:mailport
- username:password:mail:mailpassword:mailserver:mailport:proxyserver:port:proxyuser:proxypass
- Improved program stability and speed.
- Minor improvements and bug fixes.
Changes in version v.1.4.5
- Beta testers version
Changes in version v.1.4.4 (13.05.2020)
- Fixed the issue of long account authorization
Changes in version v.1.4.3 (06.05.2020)
- Two buttons appeared in the program settings on the tab with accounts - "Reset" and "Reset All", which reset the technical parameters of the accounts (selected or all accounts). The technical parameters of the account are the instagram version (the program pretends to be the official application), and the phone identifier. If the account does not pass authorization, you need to reset this account and repeat the authorization. Perhaps Instagram will ask you to confirm that you logged in to your account from a new device.
- Fixed a stop error when parsing by Username and ID. Instagram changed the format for returning information if the parsed account does not exist, the program went into a loop on attempts to parse a nonexistent account.
- In the absence of the Internet or a problem with the proxy, a corresponding message is displayed.
Changes in version v.1.4.2 (20.03.2020)
- fix error "Error connecting with SSL"
Changes in version v.1.4.1
- added automatic account confirmation by email. To do this, you need to add email settings for each account. Ideally, is suitable, others have not been tested.
- added manual confirmation by email. If you have not entered the email parameters and Instagram asks for a code, the program will prompt you to enter the code manually.
- fixed bugs where the program could stop
Changes in version v.1.4.0
- now the program requires authorization, enter one or more technical accounts in the Program Settings. It is recommended for each account to use a separate IPv4/IPv6 HTTP/HTTPS proxy
- implemented collection of phones and e-mails from business accounts
- pause button implemented
- redesigned system interface translation program. I accept inaccurate translation corrections.
- processing of the licensing system. Hacking protection
Changes in version v.1.3.4
- fix program stop after receiving error 500
- reduced program size
- Instagram has changed the algorithms, now without authorization it is impossible to collect phones and mail from business accounts, the solution is being sought.
Changes in version v.1.3.3
- no authorization required
- added multithreading, achieved by adding IPv4 or IPv6 proxy servers (HTTP / HTTPS) in the program settings
- added interface in English and Portuguese (Brazil) languages (enabled automatically depending on settings in Windows)
- added ability to handle different account list formats (UserName: ID, ID: UserName, UserName required
- added the ability to automatically replace the first digit
- added ability to select whether to display UserName
! If you tried the instaGetPhone Demo version of the program and it suits you, you can purchase the program license key:
Cost of the program: 1 year - $30, 2 years - $45, forever - $60.
To purchase the program, write to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or:
At the moment, payment is only possible with cryptocurrency.
After payment write a letter to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive an activation key.
By making a money transfer, you confirm that you have read the sections on the Program features, you understand the meaning of the functionality of the program and it suits you! No refunds! Money transfer in favor of the program developer is a donation to the development of the application.